Epiphany Celebration Recap! 🇫🇷💖

A Heartfelt Thanks!

Thank you to everyone who joined our “La Galette des Rois” celebration with Magalie Lalor. Your presence made the event a wonderful success!

Event Highlights 📸

Insightful Discussions and Delicious Galette Tasting

Magalie Lalor’s engaging talks enriched our understanding of the “La Galette des Rois” tradition. The delicious Galette des Rois was a hit, with many eagerly hunting for the hidden fève.

Stay Tuned!

Look out for more exciting cultural events coming soon.

🌟 #CulturalTraditions #JoyfulConnections #GaletteJoy #CommunityCelebration

Thank you for making our celebration special. We can’t wait to see you at our next event!

DĂ©fi Inter-Alliances

🎉 Félicitations à Donal Deering et Donal Cadogan, membres de l’Alliance Française de Kilkenny et gagnants de la finale nationale du Défi Inter-Alliances. 🇫🇷

Ils représenteront l’Irlande dans la finale régionale européenne qui aura lieu le 1er juin. 📅 Bonne chance à nos deux candidats!! 🍀

🎉 Congratulations to Donal Deering and Donal Cadogan, members of the Alliance Française de Kilkenny and winners of the national final of the Défi Inter-Alliances! 🌟

They will represent Ireland in the European regional final on June 1st. Good luck to our two candidates!! 🍀

Recognition of Volunteering efforts of Alliance Francaise

A  recognition of our volunteers. The Alliance Francaise Kilkenny has come in second place in the Kilkenny Community and Voluntary Awards 2021 in the Arts, Heritage and Education section. The winner was Butler Gallery. But very well done to all the committee who work so hard to keep the organisation going. While we all do it for the love of it, it is great to be recognised! The Awards Ceremony alas, had to be cancelled. We are always looking for volunteers for our committee so if you are interested and available please let any of the committee know.

Alliance Francaise Kilkenny represent Ireland in World Quiz

The Défi International is a worldwide quiz on French culture for members of the Alliance Francaise throughout the world. Alliance Francaise Kilkenny had our own version of the quiz among our students and the winners were Kayleigh Crews and Fred Tuite (both students in the Literature/Book Club class). They went on to the National Final in Dublin where they beat all the other Alliances in Ireland for the honour of representing the Irish region. The World Final was held recently (online by Zoom hosted by TV5 Monde) and they did very well against the other 32 contestants from around the world. But, no prizes unfortunately. Those were won by competitors from Madagascar, Madrid and Tenerife. But well done to Kayleigh and Fred for flying the Kilkenny and Irish flags in this worldwide quiz.